File encryption done right


Download a release

Pick the file for your operating system.

Kestrel supports

  • Linux on x86-64, arm64
  • macOS on Apple Silicon (arm64), Intel
  • Windows on x64 with a traditional installer or portable install.


Debian / Ubuntu / .deb

Install the .deb package. Example:

sudo apt install ./kestrel_1.0.0-1_amd64.deb

Bash completion and man pages are included and automatically installed.


sudo apt remove kestrel

Fedora / .rpm

Install the .rpm package. Example:

sudo dnf install ./kestrel-1.0.0-1.fc36.x86_64.rpm

Bash completion and man pages are included and automatically installed.


sudo dnf remove kestrel

Arch Linux

kestrel is available on the AUR

Follow the normal installation procedure for AUR packages.

Static Binary

Extract the .tar.gz. The binary can be run from anywhere.

Example to place the binary on your $PATH:

sudo cp kestrel /usr/local/bin
kestrel --version



brew tap finfet/kestrel
brew install kestrel-cli
kestrel --version

Bash completion and man pages are included and automatically installed.

Static binary

Extract the .tar.gz. The binary can be run from anywhere.

You may need to remove the macOS quarantine attribute that is added to files downloaded from the internet.

xattr -d kestrel

Example to place the binary on your $PATH:

sudo cp kestrel /usr/local/bin/


Remove binary

brew remove kestrel-cli

Uninstall tap

brew untap finfet/kestrel


Windows Installer

Follow the instructions on the installer. You may need to click through the SmartScreen warning.

After installation, Kestrel can be used from powershell or command prompt using the command kestrel.

Portable Install

Unzip the archive. kestrel.exe can be run from any location that you would like.

SHA-256 Checksums

It's a good idea to make sure that what you downloaded matches the expected file hash.

The SHA-256 hashes of the release can be found in the file SHA256SUMS.txt


Use sha256sum <archive-name.tar.gz>


Use shasum -a 256 <archive-name.tar.gz>

Windows Powershell

Use Get-FileHash <>